Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Public dentistry campaign update: Review and endorse your Log of Claims

All Victorian enterprise agreements for public dentists, public dental specialists and dental specialists in training expire by 30 June 2017. Through our consultations with members, we have developed the Log of Claims, which is a list of items you would like added to, or removed from your current agreements. Now it’s time for members to review and endorse this Log of Claims so that we can progress negotiations.
Please register to join us at our Public Dentistry EBA Campaign Update on Friday 30 June, where we will present the Log of Claims to you, and invite you to review and endorse it.
With your participation, we are building a voice for public dentists, public dental specialists, and dental specialists in training to create a sustainable future for the sector. 
Strength in numbers helps us to present a strong unified bargaining position. Together we can achieve greater respect, recognition and reward for the public dental sector, so that everyone can smile.
Haven't nominated us as your bargaining representative? Please do so as soon as possible.
Further information:

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Thank you to our valued volunteers - nominate today for ADAVB committee membership!

Nominations are now open for ADAVB members who would like to get involved in the ADAVB's standing committees.

Log in to My ADAVB>My Membership>Get Involved and complete the online 'Nominate for committee membership' process.

Our dedicated and committed volunteers give up their time and lend their expertise to support their colleagues on various ADAVB committees including oral health, CPD, disputes and ethics, public dentistry and third party issues.

Involvement of our member dentists, from diverse specialties and areas of expertise, and at different stages of their careers, means that we stay focused on the issues affecting the profession. The diverse work and interest areas of our volunteers helps us to identify and respond to the oral health concerns of the community.

Check our website for other volunteering opportunities with our charity partners: Flying Doctor Dental Clinic, the eviDent Foundation and the National Dental Foundation.

Thank you all our volunteers, not only during National Volunteer Week, but every day of the year.

Friday, May 05, 2017

Victorian Budget - health and dental health provisions

The Victorian Government announced the 2017-18 budget earlier this week. At the 2 May DHHS Budget Briefing, the Victorian Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, Hon Jill Hennessy expressed a view of hope and optimism for the coming year in Health and Human Services in Victoria. Thirty-eight percent of the total State Budget ($23.2 B) was allocated to the DHHS portfolios – an 11% increase on last year.

There was a significant whole of government investment in tackling family violence, with $1.9 B provided to address all of the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

Significant investments were also made in the acute health sector, for building and upgrading hospitals, and to meet demand for care (e.g. reducing elective surgery waiting lists).

Other noteworthy priorities include an investment in enhancing the quality and safety of Victoria’s healthcare system ($215 M), and $10 M for Better Care Victoria for the next funding round of its state-wide innovation fund.

The following budget provisions were made in the dental sector:
  • $226.1 M for public dental care, which appears to be an increased investment of $20.1M (9.7%) over last year. The higher target reflects additional third-party revenue for Dental Health Services Victoria.
  • Note that last year the amount reported to be spent on public dental services was $247.6 M, including $206.2 M from the State Government, and $19M from the Commonwealth Government in the NPA on Adult Public Dental Services. It’s not clear how the remaining $22.4 M is accounted for.
  • Further NPA funding from the Commonwealth for adult public dental services is still under negotiation. This may potentially be disclosed in the Federal Budget on 9 May.
  • Additional funding of note related to the dental sector includes $7.9 M to the Office of the Health Complaints Commissioner, which will support them to undertake their expanded regulatory role. NB. The ADAVB lobbied for increased funding for the HCC in it's budget submissions.
  • An investment will also be made in Cancer prevention for screening for breast, bowel and oral cancer – “$14 million to deliver more cancer screening and detection measures, including funding to provide 10,000 additional breast screens, increase the number of Victorians participating in the National Bowel Cancer Screening program and deliver a training program for oral health professionals to identify oral cancers during routine check-ups.” (emphasis added)
Further information: www.budget.vic.gov.au

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

ADAVB appoints new CEO, Clinical A/Prof Matthew Hopcraft

The Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch (ADAVB), has appointed its new CEO, Clinical Associate Professor Matthew Hopcraft.

Clinical A/Prof Matthew Hopcraft is currently an Oral Health Advisor with Dental Health Services Victoria, Professional and Scientific Relations Consultant with Oral–B, Spokesperson and Co-Founder of SugarFree Smiles and Clinical Associate Professor at the Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne. 

Clinical A/Prof Matthew Hopcraft is a dental public health expert and has over 20 years’ experience in a broad range of fields including administration, teaching, research and clinical practice. 

He commenced his career serving as a dental officer in the Australian Army, before pursuing an academic career, teaching dental public health and general practice dentistry at The University of Melbourne where he was the Director of Clinical Education. He has worked in both public and private dental practices in metropolitan and rural locations, and in a senior administrative position at the Australian Dental Council. 

Clinical A/Prof Matthew Hopcraft served 12 years on the ADAVB Council, including a term as President in 2011/12 and two years on ADA Inc. Federal Council. He commences his tenure as ADAVB CEO on Monday 3 July 2017, following the retirement from the role of current ADAVB CEO, Mr Garry Pearson, the ADA's longest serving Branch CEO.