Monday, April 30, 2018

Are you complying with privacy laws?

You have an ethical and legal obligation to protect the privacy of your patients, and this extends to transmission of patient information.
You need to be aware that standard email is not secure, and that using it to transmit health information puts you at risk of breaching your privacy obligations.
In addition, the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017, which came into effect on 22 February, established the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme in Australia. This scheme introduced an obligation to report serious data breaches. So privacy has never been more important.
To this end, ADAVB has partnered with Mediref to offer a free trial of its secure messaging service.
Mediref is free for all ADAVB members until 31 July 2018. 

How do you join Mediref?

Joining is easy. Simply go to and fill out your practice details. Download and install the Mediref virtual printer to allow integration with your patient management software.
Visit for detailed instructions or video demonstrations.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

ADAVB Council Member nominations sought - ADAVB members encouraged to apply

Nominations from ADAVB members are now being sought for positions on ADAVB Branch Council. Council consists of up to 18 members, of whom 17 are elected.

All ADAVB financial members are encouraged to apply, including ADC graduates, recent graduates and current members of Council. Members who have never served on previous committees are also encouraged to apply.

To nominate for Council, refer to the Branch Elections form enclosed in your Victorian Dentist member newsletter (April 2018) or log in using your Victorian ADAVB member number and password and download it from the ADAVB website. (>My ADAVB>Newsletter online).

Serving on Council is a valuable way to contribute to your profession and a rewarding way to help shape the ADAVB's direction, to ensure that we are addressing the needs of our diverse membership base.

In the April Victorian Dentist you can read about Dr Susan Wise's experiences of being on Council. Dr Susan Wise has enjoyed serving on Council and says, 

"I have loved my time on Council and have made some lifelong friends. If you are interested in having your voice in the running of our organisation, learning some different skills, are organised and prepared to do the required reading, please consider nominating for ADAVB Council."

Look out for your May Victorian Dentist edition, profiling Dr Andrew Heredia and his experience on Council.

"I did not want to be a member who asks, ‘What is the ADAVB doing for me?’, but rather be a member who can say, ‘This is what the ADAVB is doing for us'.

"It is an amazing feeling to sit among my colleagues who have come from all walks of life, who are at different stages in their careers and who have worked with varying degrees with the ADAVB to improve the status of dentistry in the community. What is even more impressive is that all my colleagues on Council are dentists by profession but have taken time out of their lives and practices to learn and educate themselves about managing the affairs of the ADA and ADAVB."

Nominations close 5pm, 14 May 2018.

Gippsland PHN Clinical Council Members - Expressions of interest sought

Clinical Councils provide valuable input and influence to the Gippsland PHN Board and Executive on the critical health needs and priorities of the Gippsland Community.

Expressions of interest are sought for Gippsland PHN sub-regional Clinical Council Members for a period of three years commencing July 2018.

The Clinical Council enables a range of health professionals to work together to drive local health system improvement in the Gippsland PHN.

Further information and to apply:
This is a valuable opportunity for oral health to be highlighted as an important contributor to better health outcomes and ADAVB members are encouraged to apply.

For further information on either role please contact Chief Executive Officer, Marianne Shearer at

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Join us at the ADAVB Convention 10-11 August: Keys to #Success

Registrations are now open for the 2018 ADAVB Convention: Keys to #Success. Bring your whole team and come along to this multidisciplinary event which includes dedicated programs streams for dentists, dental assistants, practice managers, and dental hygienists and dental & oral health therapists. Australian Dental Council graduates can enjoy a tailored program in addition to the main scientific program.

Gain 12 CPD hours while you enjoy innovative presentations designed to challenge, engage and question, from international and Australian presenters including:

  • Dr Sally Cockburn
  • Dr Bobby Birdi
  • Prof John Sorenson
  • Prof Stephane Simon
  • Prof Julian Savulescu

The Australian Dental Industry Association Victorian Dental Show will run concurrently with the scientific programs, showcasing dental suppliers and their latest equipment and materials for your practice.

While you're registering for the convention, add a few tickets to our eviDent Foundation Fundraising Dinner and enjoy a social night out, for a great cause. This year’s event will be full of elegance, mystique and intrigue. Filled with live music, amazing entertainment and a sense of the wonderful, you will enjoy a night of music, dinner, dancing, auction, games and more!

Register today

Get in quick for early bird convention registration pricing which ends on 31 May. We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 ADAVB Convention.

Find out more- speakers and program

Register now

eviDent Fundraising Dinner