Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Melbourne University announces Graduate Entry

The Vice Chancellor of The University of Melbourne, Prof. Glyn Davis, yesterday announced a new strategic direction for the University which will see graduate entry for professional courses and a reduction in the student population from around 50,000 to 35,000 students.
The announcement states that "Melbourne will shift toward a model of broad undergraduate programs followed by intense professional training at postgraduate level, by introducing more graduate programs with a goal of one-third of all enrolments at postgraduate level and some faculties standing alone as graduate schools''.
Professor Davis said "the University must be freed from current restrictions so it can decide the right distribution of students between disciplines, between fee-paying and subsidised, between postgraduate and undergraduate". At this stage, it is not clear what annual fees might be charged for students enrolled in the graduate dental program. Figures of around $40k per annum over a four year course have been mooted.
Professor Davis, presented a draft of this strategic vision, Growing Esteem, to the University Council on Monday night. The draft will remain before the University community until the December meeting of the Melbourne University Council. Alumni and others wishing to respond to these new directions may wish to do so through University channels, or alternatively to send comments to the author for consideration by Branch Council.