Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dental IR Changes

As a result of the ADAVB's efforts on behalf of members, the Dental (Private Sector Victoria) Award now makes better provision for a career structure for dental assistants, and provides a minimum set of terms and conditions for dental hygienists and dental therapists employed in the private sector.

The Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) adopted the variations at a hearing on 8 March, and the changes took effect from the beginning of the first pay period commencing on or after that date. Review the Order varying the Award here.

For many years, members have urged that we should do more to make dental assisting an attractive career option, indeed to provide a career structure for dental assistants. One of the more frequent workforce complaints raised with the Branch has been the difficulty in finding and keeping dental assisting staff.

Now, with the formal recognition of multiple Certificate IV qualifications for dental assistants, we have a means by which to offer dental assistants a career path, and to slow the drift from dental assisting to other fields of work. With the introduction of allowances for each additional Certificate IV qualification completed, dental assistants will now be able to aspire to greater recognition of their commitment and skill development. This is long overdue, as a key measure by which to attract and retain skilled dental assistants.

Where an employee holds, and is required by the employer to utilise the skills associated with, a Nationally accredited Level IV Certificate in Dental Radiography and/or Oral Health Education and/or Assistance during General Anaesthesia and Conscious Sedation, they will now be entitled to receive an allowance as follows:

One Certificate IV Qualification - $21.10
Two Certificate IV Qualifications - $42.20
Three Certificate IV Qualifications - $63.60

The other Award enhancement approved by the AIRC on 8 March concerns establishment of minimum terms and conditions for dental hygienists and therapists employed in the private sector.

The ADAVB is well aware that most dental hygienists and dental therapists will continue to receive above award rates after the variation is implemented. In the future, for new employment agreements being negotiated, employer members involved in those negotiations will now have a new ‘floor’ they can use as their baseline and dental auxiliaries will have minimum terms and conditions protected.

The new classification of Dental Hygienist / Dental Therapist within the Dental (Private Sector Victoria) Award will have minimum weekly rates of pay as follows:

1st year of experience after qualification - $636.80
2nd year of experience after qualification - $673.70
3rd year of experience after qualification - $705.30
4th year of experience after qualification - $745.10
5th year of experience after qualification - $775.40
6th year of experience after qualification - $806.00

In addition, where the dental hygienist or dental therapist is the sole employee of this type within a workplace, a sole allowance of a further 5% of the first year rate (i.e. $31.84 / week), will also apply.

In cases where an employee is registered by the Dental Practice Board of Victoria to practice as both a Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist, and the employer requires them to utilise the skills of both qualifications, they will be entitled to receive a dual registered allowance of 7.5% of the wage rate for 3rd year of experience (i.e. $52.90 / week).

Subscribers to the ADAVB HR Manual will receive further details regarding these significant Award variations in their March quarter update due out shortly. All employers covered by the Award must have a current copy of the Award available for inspection by staff within their practice. If you are not currently subscribing to the Manual and would like to ensure that you have the most up to date information about your HR administration obligations, contact the ADAVB Office on 9826 8318 to obtain a subscription order form.