Friday, October 06, 2006

HBA attacks oral health

Many ADA members and a number of members of the public have contacted the Branch to express their concern at an HBA radio advertisement currently on air.

The advertisement features a boy saying that he hates 'going to the dentist because it hurts. It hurts a lot.' It also implies that dental fees are painful for parents rather than a reasonable fee for professional health services, and so undermines the relationship between dental care providers and the wider community.

Parents have contacted the ADAVB to advise that their young children who previously were happy to go to the dentist are now refusing to attend.

The Branch has written to HBA's parent company BUPA, to urge them to withdraw the advertisement, and will be publishing advice via an ADAVB Alert! and at the Branch website on means by which complaints can be drawn to the attention of HBA.
How such negative advertising is supposed to help HBA preferred provider practices to present a positive image to their young patients is not at all clear.