Monday, February 11, 2008

Dental needs of older Australians

The dental needs of older people in Australia have been stressed recently in two studies. A survey of more than 8500 people aged 65 and over in NSW highlighted the strong association between good oral health and positive mental health, and support the need for increased access to free or subsidised, preventive and restorative dental services for older people. Sydney University Associate Professor Susan Quine and Dr Stephen Morrell found that both measures of mental health used (feeling hopeless and feeling depressed, 'most' or 'all of the time' in the last four weeks) were highly significantly associated with increased reporting of oral health concerns in both men and women.
The SA Dental Service is using a screening tool in its enhanced primary care health assessments performed by doctors and nurses in inner southern Adelaide. It consists of six short validated questions that give a reliable indication of those requiring referral for dental care. The program, where older people bypass the waiting list for public dental care, has resulted in them reporting less dental pain, increased comfort and pleasure in eating and improvements in emotional well-being and in self-nominated goals for dental treatment.