Saturday, June 13, 2009

Draft national registration Bill released

The Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council has released the exposure draft of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 2009. The exposure draft sets out the legal framework for the new National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for the Health Professions, which begins on 1 July 2010.
The exposure draft is being released to enable further comment from the public, health practitioners and current registration boards prior to the Bill’s introduction into the Queensland Parliament. Following passage in the Queensland Parliament, draft legislation will be introduced in all parliaments across Australia to adopt the new National Law.
The ADA will be making submissions in response to the draft, and would welcome suggestions from members as to key points they feel should be highlighted. Such input would be welcome by 26 June to allow time for incorporation before the deadline of 17 July. Please send your suggestions to
See also:
Communique - Ministers release draft legislation for National Registration and Accreditation Scheme - 12 June 2009. (pdf, 52k)
Exposure draft of Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 2009 (Bill B) (pdf, 2.8MB)
Guide to Bill B (pdf, 48kb)
Frequently asked questions on Bill B (pdf, 108kb)