Thursday, October 01, 2009

Magistrate rules against tooth whitening

A Melbourne beauty therapist has been found guilty of practising dentistry while not being a registered dental care provider.
Sitting at Heidelberg Magistrates’ Court, the magistrate, Ms Crowe, recorded a conviction and fined the beauty therapist $2000.
The Dental Practice Board of Victoria took the action after receiving a complaint from a customer who had undergone tooth whitening. The customer suffered severe mottling of her teeth, marbled teeth, ulcerations to her gums and chemical burns.
Ms Crowe ruled that tooth whitening constitutes an “invasive and irreversible procedure” and that people registered as dental care providers may only carry out tooth whitening.
ADAVB Vice President Dr Anne Stewart welcomed the decision, saying that it would send a clear warning to the public about the dangers of having teeth whitened by non-dentists.