Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ADAVB submission on e-Health Bill

The ADAVB has made a submission to the Department of Health and Ageing in response to the Exposure Draft of the Healthcare Identifiers Service Bill 2010 (FED), as it affects dental practice and the provision of dental services.
ADAVB is particularly concerned that the role of the professional indemnity (PI) insurer is not recognised. ADAVB says that it is necessary for health practitioners to provide their PI insurer with a copy of the patient record in order to comply with contractual obligations to the insurer and to allow agents of the insurer (e.g. peer advisors and lawyers) to provide advice on claims management.
While the Government’s concern to closely guard the use of healthcare identifiers is understandable given that an Health Identifier (HI) will link to so much information, the Branch suggests that the use of patient health records in the resolution of disputes and complaints has not been adequately considered in the framing of these purposes. ADAVB therefore suggests that the relevant sections of the Bill be amended to accommodate the role of the practitioner’s PI insurer.
ADAVB also contends that the way the Bill is currently - contrary to the e-Health objectives.