Saturday, March 13, 2010

DBA Consultation Paper re Codes and Guidelines

Late yesterday, Dr John Lockwood, Chair, Dental Board of Australia, released a consultation paper on Codes and Guidelines.

Contained in this paper are:
  • Guidelines on advertising
  • Guidelines on mandatory notification
  • Board code of conduct
  • Guidelines on CPD
  • Guidelines on infection control
  • Guidelines on dental records
DBA advises that the consultation paper was developed under the requirements of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (the National Law), which empowers national boards to develop and approve codes and guidelines to provide guidance to the health practitioners a board registers, and about other matters relevant to the exercise of boards’ functions.

Once finalised and approved, these codes and guidelines will come into force from 1 July 2010.

The ADAVB will be making a submission to the DBA on this collection of codes and guidelines, and would welcome member input and responses to the drafts. As submissions are due by 9 April, members are urged to provide their input by 26 March 2010. Please send your comments and suggestions to