Thursday, July 18, 2013

AHPRA releases its 2013/14 Business Plan

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) has published its Business Plan for 2013/14.

Mr Martin Fletcher, AHPRA CEO, states in his introduction to the Plan that

"In 2013/14, our efforts will be organised into five themes:

1. embedding new services (accreditation and audit)
2. helping National Boards strengthen regulation (policy, standards, and workforce reform)
3. focusing on quality and measurement (notifications, quality assurance, reporting)
4. streamlining regulatory operations (stakeholder engagement and systems improvements, including online), and
5. refining enabling functions (IT, data exchange, planning).

National consistency is at the heart of our efforts. The plan carries over several initiatives from previous years to extend our efforts to support this."

The focus on greater consistency is welcomed by the ADAVB, as we highlighted concerns at an apparent lack of this in our submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the performance of AHPRA.  We will also seek further dialogue with AHPRA about the stress experienced by practitioners and their families due to extended delays in processing notifications.