Friday, July 24, 2015

Improving dietary advice in the dental setting

Can you help with an eviDent research study on improving dietary advice in the dental setting?

Dr Melanie Hayes, PhD, of the University of Melbourne Dental School, is seeking dental practitioners to take part in a study on improving current clinical practice in the area of diet and nutrition. 

Participants will complete a survey on current practices, and then receive online training in simple diet assessment and nutritional counselling. The online module should take no more than 30 minutes to complete, and practitioners will be followed up in 6 months’ time to see if their perceptions on dietary advice have changed.

The results will aim to improve current practices and contribute much-needed information to the under-researched evidence base for the role of dietary analysis and nutritional counselling in reducing caries risk in the community. 

Can you assist with this study, or would you like more information? If so, please contact Dr Hayes, PhD, by 31 July 2015 at For further information about this project please visit the eviDent project page.