Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Benefit from halving sugar intake

As part of World Obesity Day and SugarSwap Week, there is a new campaign – SugarByHalf – which encourages people to reduce their sugar consumption by half. By doing this, obesity, dental caries and diabetes can be tackled.

Founded by Australian cricket team doctor Peter Brukner, the campaign - particularly focused on sugary foods - aims to protect current and future generations from the health dangers of eating too much added sugar.

According to the World Health Organisation guidelines for optimal health, we should limit our added sugar intake to six teaspoons a day. However, the average Australian consumes 16 teaspoons of added sugar per day - children and teenagers have more than 20 teaspoons.

Campaign organisers have a vision where this generation of children live as long or longer than their parents. A future where kids and parents are healthy and happy, getting excellent nutrition from the food they eat. A world where rates of Type 2 diabetes, obesity and other health problems are declining, especially in children and young people.

ADA supports this campaign, as it does the Rethink Sugary Drink project.