R U OK? Know where to reach out when you need help.
R U OK? Day is a great reminder that we all could use some help sometimes. Whether you need support for a personal or health issue, or assistance with a work matter, knowing where you can turn makes life so much simpler.
ADAVB can support you in a number of ways, including through our:
For further information on any of the ADAVB member services, please call us on 8825 4600.
ADAVB can support you in a number of ways, including through our:
- Member assistance service for personal and private counselling on family/life and workplace matters (ph: 1300 361 008)
- HR advisory service and hotline for help with industrial issues (ph: 1300 232 462)
- Professional consultants for advice on professional and compliance matters, and Community Relations Officers who are on hand every day to offer dispute assistance – for members insured under the Branch Indemnity Scheme (ph: 8825 4600).
- Beyond Blue (ph: 1300 22 4636)
- Lifeline (ph: 13 11 14)
- MensLine Australia (ph: 1300 78 99 78)
- Sane Australia (ph: 1800 18 7263)
- Suicide Call Back Service (ph: 1300 659 467).
For further information on any of the ADAVB member services, please call us on 8825 4600.
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