The ADAVB supports retention of the current code of practice with a number of clarifying amendments.
Proposals to expand the duties of prosthetists, especially in relation to implant supported removable prostheses are opposed as they would put the public at undue risk.
Dental prosthetists are not qualified to ensure that patients are advised of all reasonable treatment alternatives, prognoses, complications and costs, and therefore informed consent is not possible before agreeing to the provision of a prosthetist’s services. We therefore urge that the Board reinstate the requirement that dental prosthetists must seek a certificate of oral health from an appropriately trained person before treatment is commenced.
Prosthetists should be recognised as part of the dental team referred to in the Auxiliaries Code, and consequently should have an obligation to explain to the patient the importance of seeing a dentist regularly, and of obtaining a certificate of oral health before proceeding with supply of a removable appliance.
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