Wednesday, August 01, 2007

New public dental strategy for Victoria

Late last week, Ms Sylvia Barry, the Acting Director, Primary and Community Health Branch within the Department of Human Services, stood in for Health Minister Bronwyn Pike to launch 'Improving Victoria's Oral health' - the Victorian Government's four-year strategic plan for public dental services and oral health. Minister Pike was unable to attend due to commitments arising from the announcement that morning regarding Premier Bracks' retirement.

The strategy briefly describes the current system and recent achievements (‘Setting the scene’) and also outlines the consequences of poor oral health. The strategy then summarises the broader policy context for public dental health, particularly noting the National Oral Health Plan and Victorian social policy including 'Care in your community'.

The strategy proposes a vision and set of principles that can guide the development of oral health care over the next four years. The paper notes that "Flowing on from the vision and principles is a set of six strategic developments or major projects that are the actions that will take the public dental system forward."

All Victorians will enjoy good oral health and will have access to high-quality health care delivered in an affordable and timely fashion when they require it.

The best place to treat
Together we do better
Technology to benefit people
A better health care experience
A better place to work.

According to the strategy document, "Realisation of the vision and principles will come about through implementation of six strategic priorities:
1. Oral health service planning framework
2. Integrated service model for adults and children
3. Workforce strategy
4. Oral health promotion
5. Responding to high-needs groups
6. Oral health funding, accountability and evaluation."

Elsewhere, the paper notes that "The planning framework together with the integrated service model will mean that public oral health services will be an integrated part of Victoria’s network of Community Health Services, and will work collaboratively to provide health promotion, prevention, early intervention, treatment and self-management."