Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Extra Commonwealth funded places in 2008 at Melbourne Uni

According to a media release issued by The University of Melbourne late last week, there will be new undergraduate places in the Biomedicine and Environments degrees which are being offered by the University for the first time in 2008.
The University expects to fill around 5000 first-year undergraduate places in 2008, up from 4881 in 2007 and maintaining the average number of commencing undergraduates over the past three years. This is despite several undergraduate professional courses such as Law, Architecture and Nursing moving from undergraduate to graduate entry in 2008 when the number of undergraduate courses will drop from 96 to a total of 28, including the six new Melbourne Model degrees.
The Biomedicine degree will be one of the points of entry to new graduate degrees in dentistry to be offered from 2011. Click here to view a chart explaining how the Melbourne Model will impact on study options in 2008.