Monday, February 18, 2008

Dental Waiting Times Grants Program 2008-2009

The Department of Human Services' Primary Health Branch, in partnership with Dental Health Services Victoria, is calling for submissions from community health services, hospitals and primary care partnerships (PCP) (under a Partnerships category) for funding under the Dental Waiting Times Grants Program 2008-2009.

Innovative proposals are sought "to reduce and smooth dental waiting lists for general and denture care".

According to the Department, the intention is not to invest extra funds into dental service provision, but rather, the program aims "to foster the local implementation of system changes, or the extension of existing system change innovations and practices, to meaningfully reduce dental waiting times at an agency and/or catchment level".

Other details about the grants program include:

  • A total of $500,000 has been allocated.
  • Up to $100,000 in non-recurrent funding is available for a single project.
  • Depending on the quality of the applications, funding may be provided to a number of small projects, or a few larger projects or some small and some larger projects.
  • The projects must operate for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 18 months.
  • It is anticipated that all projects would commence in April 2008.
  • The due date for submissions was Thursday, 31 January 2008.

See also:
2008-2009 Submission Guide and Template (348kb, MS Word)
Waiting Times Project Report (70kb, pdf)

More information on the Dental Waiting Times Grants Program 2008-2009 is available from Trudy McInnis Senior Policy OfficerDental Health Unit Department of Human Services Level 12, 50 Lonsdale St, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (61 3) 9096 8317 Email: