Friday, January 04, 2013

Dental graduates head salary rankings

Dentistry graduates continue to lead the ranks in professional starting salaries. The median starting salary was $80.000 (unchanged from 2011).However the starting salary for male dentists was $14,400 more than the salary for women dentists. The Federal Government report GradStats says that dentists were followed by graduates from optometry ($79,000, up from $70,000 in 2011), earth sciences ($73,000, up from $65,000), engineering ($63,000, up from $60,000), and medicine ($60,000, up from $58,500).
The report is a study of the activities of new graduates about four months after the completion of their qualifications.
In dollar terms, the 2012 median starting salary for all graduates rose by $2000 (4%) from $50,000.