ADA Inc. lodges Scrap the Cap submission
The submission emphasizes that:
"The policy issues that the cap is said to address are not reflected by the attitudes and behaviour of the ADA membership. Members have expressed great concerns about the cap’s effect on the range, quality and type of CPD they will be able to obtain in the future. The predominant concern of members is the cap’s adverse impact on their ability to keep abreast of contemporary developments, and the subsequent flow-on effects to the quality of care that can be provided to patients."
The Scrap the Cap website offers members the opportunity to express their own concerns, and to sign the petition urging the Government to reject the Treasury proposal. If you have not yet done so, please lend your personal support to this important campaign.
AMA President Dr Steve Hambleton issued a media release on 18 July stating that Treasury should 'Take the Rap for the Cap', and drawing attention to the AMA submission to Treasury and to expert advice provided to the AMA on the issue.
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