Tuesday, August 05, 2014

New pilot project to tackle smoking

ADAVB is pleased to have been involved in the launch of a new pilot project, Smokefree Smiles, which aims to boost quitting rates in Victoria by training dentists and other oral health professionals to provide brief smoking cessation advice to their patients.

The project is funded by the Department of Health and is a partnership between Quit Victoria, Dental Health Services Victoria, the Department of Health and ADAVB.

The first phase of the project involves online and face-to-face training for oral health professionals at five pilot sites - the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne, Peninsula Health, Maryborough District Health Service, Goulburn Valley Dental Group and Dr David Curnow’s Dandenong dental surgery.

The project also aims to increase referrals to smoking cessation services such as the Quitline by oral health professionals.

Pictured at the launch is dental patient, Tokerau, telling Health Minister Mr David Davis about her Quit journey - which started at the dentist.