CPD: revised code of practice
The Dental Practice Board of Victoria has revised Code of Practice C005[2008] Continuing Professional Development and the accompanying Information Sheet I003[2008]. They are now available to download http://www.dentprac.vic.gov.au/. The code, which will be in operation until 2011, remains fundamentally unchanged in its key elements, which include:
- 40 hours of CPD for dentists, 30 hours for others to be completed each two year cycle
- a minimum of 2 hours of CPR and 3 of infection control to be completed each cycle ( Note, the code now specifies that a maximum of 4 CPR hours may be claimed in a cycle
- 80% of the total hours to be spent on scientific/clinically based activities (Note the term “scientific” has been replaced with “clinical and/or scientific” in an effort to clarify the types of activities included in this category)
- activities must be of an approved type
- practitioners maintain their own records and must produce them when asked to by the Board.
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