Friday, April 09, 2010

ADAVB/Melbourne Dental School challenge new Board's CPD guidelines

ADAVB and the Melbourne Dental School today made a joint submission to the Dental Board of Australia on the Board’s Draft Codes and Guidelines concerning Continuing Professional Development.
The submission highlights concerns about the Board’s registration standard for CPD being a minimum of 60 hours over three years, rather than the Victorian cycle of two years and 40 hours. The need to accredit CPD providers is also highlighted.
Reflecting concerns expressed by a number of members, the submission also calls for transfer of some of the credits accumulated in the current DPBV CPD cycle, so that the investment made over the last 18 months from January 2009 to 30 June 2010, is recognised.
The submission makes a number of recommendations which the Branch and the School say would provide safe and effective clinical care by dentists acquiring knowledge and skills, thereby strengthening the Board’s mandate of protecting the public.