New dental research network will help patients

A collaboration between the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch and the Oral Health CRC, eviDent aims to improve the evidence base for dental care.
Professor Eric Reynolds, from the Oral Health CRC. said eviDent has benefits for dental practices, researchers and patients.
ADAVB President Dr Anne Harrison said research is fundamental to building the knowledge base of dentists.
"There can often be a disconnect between research outcomes and the realities of patient care," she said. “eviDent projects will be research at the coal face – performed by dentists who will directly use the findings.
"eviDent will support relationships between academic research experts and practitioners, providing the best conditions for clinical research that is recognised as relevant and valuable."
"It will also help to ensure that Australian dentists continue to provide the highest standards of professional dental care. We also expect that the eviDent approach will enhance the translation of research results into oral health care practice and policies and expand nationally."
The Chairman of the Oral Health CRC, The Hon Dr Michael Wooldridge, said eviDent would give the dental profession added credibility and prestige.
Dr Wooldridge is pictured above with Dr Harrison as they officially launch eviDent.
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