Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Introducing health sector leaders of the future

This year’s Health Sector Leadership Program has concluded with 28 participants graduating at a formal function in the Old Treasury building.

Coming from seven health associations including ADAVB, the participants attended interactive workshops and had mentor-support throughout the program. The other associations taking part were the Australian Podiatry Association, Chiropractors Association of Australia (Victoria), Dietitians Association of Australia, Optometry Association Victoria, Pharmaceutical Society of Australian Victorian Branch, and Speech Pathology Australia.

ADAVB’s participants were: Drs Karen Kan, Devin Ong, Thomas Lo and Des Naidoo. (Pictured are Dr Kan and Dr Ong with Branch President Dr Bob Cvetkovic (right) and ADAVB CEO Mr Garry Pearson.)

Starting in 2011, the program is an initiative of ADAVB. It aims to support the development of future leaders in the health sector, and is wholly supported by Guild Insurance Ltd. As in 2013, it was facilitated by Leadership Victoria, who are highly respected for the quality of their developmental programs.