Monday, March 31, 2008

Draft OHS Codes for public comment

Employer members may be interested to review Draft Compliance Codes issued by Worksafe Victoria late last week.

According to Worksafe, "compliance codes provide practical guidance to people who have duties or obligations under the OHS Act or regulations. Compliance with a compliance code means you are taken to have complied with the relevant provision of the Act or regulations to the extent that duty or obligation is addressed by the code. However compliance may still be achieved in other ways."

While there are nine proposed compliance codes available for public comment, the following topics are the ones most likely to apply to dental practices:
Workplace Amenities and Work Environment
First Aid in the Workplace

Submissions are due by close of business, Thursday 24 April, 2008.

Submissions can be emailed to, or addressed to:
Public Comment
Manager, Information & Guidance Branch
WorkSafe Victoria
GPO Box 4306