Thursday, September 02, 2010

Greens & Labor deal on dental

The deal signed yesterday between The Greens and the Australian Labor Party includes the following agreement on dental health policy:

"That Australia needs urgent further action on dental care and that proposals for improving the nation’s investments in dental care should be considered in the context of the 2011 Budget."

This undertaking is one of only four policy issues identified, and it's the only health policy area addressed. It forms part of a broader agreement with the following purposes:

"1.1 This agreement establishes a basis for stable and effective government.
1.2 The Greens will vote with the ALP government to ensure supply.
1.3 The Greens will oppose any motion of no confidence in the government from any non‐Greens member. "

The ADA continues to advocate for a targeted scheme which will deliver good basic dental care for 7 million eligible patients, rather than a universal scheme that would deliver only very minimal care to everyone.