Monday, August 18, 2014

Victorian LiveLighter Campaign launched

ADAVB is pleased to have been involved in the launch of the Victorian LiveLighter Campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the health risks associated with poor lifestyle choices and encourages the adoption of healthy eating, physical activity and healthy weight management.

The project is funded by the Victorian Department of Health and will be delivered by Cancer Council Victoria in partnership with the Heart Foundation. LiveLighter is a key element of the Government’s Healthy Together Victoria program, which is creating opportunities for healthier eating and being more active where we live, learn, work and play. ADAVB is a strong LiveLighter supporter.
The first phase of the campaign involves the further development of LiveLighter website resources and a media campaign.

LiveLighter encourages Victorians to lead healthier lifestyles by changing what they eat and drink, and being more active. The LiveLighter website provides a wealth of information, resources and tools to support and encourage people in making and maintaining positive lifestyle changes. The Campaign will run through to June 2015.