Tuesday, April 01, 2008

IR Commission to modernise awards

This item is another likely to be of interest to employer members.
Following the passage of the Government's Transition to Forward with Fairness Act 2008, Julia Gillard, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, has asked the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to complete an award modernisation process by 31 December 2009.
According to a Government media release published today "The Commission will develop modern awards in consultation with key stakeholders including unions and employer groups. In addition there will be open and transparent consultation on exposure drafts of modern awards so members of the public can have their say. "

The media release also noted that "together with the 10 National Employment Standards, modern awards will ensure a fair and simple minimum safety net for all employees when the Government’s new workplace relations system commences full operation in January 2010".
The Governent says that modern awards will:
  • be able to build on the 10 National Employment Standards with industry-specific detail;
  • protect a further 10 important conditions for employees such as minimum wages, penalty rates, overtime and allowances;
  • promote flexible modern work practices and the efficient and productive performance of work; and
  • be simple to understand and easy to apply and reduce the regulatory burden on business.