The State Government’s
Public Health and Wellbeing Plan seeks to reduce the disparities in oral health including people living in rural and metropolitan areas. The plan - released today - sees these opportunities for progress to 2015:
- include oral health promotion approaches in the update of Victoria’s oral health plan and in health promotion plans at local, state and national levels; for example, Smiles4Miles
- increase oral health literacy through integrating oral health information with other health information and including oral health in school curricula, supported by the research, development and consistent use of evidence- based oral health approaches
- introduce oral health policies and practices in key settings (including healthy food and drink policies and daily oral healthcare where required – such as in residential care)
- target high-risk populations with prevention programs
- maximise the benefits of water fluoridation to all Victorian communities
- strengthen early detection of oral disease and early intervention
- utilise health and welfare workers such as maternal and child health nurses and family and children’s services workers as oral health promoters (including integrating oral health into well person’s visits). This includes implementing the early intervention oral health program Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles to build the capacity of health workers working directly with young families.
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