DBA Communique - Meeting of 19 July
The Dental Board of Australia (DBA) today released a Communique reporting on its meeting held in Darwin on 19 July. Key points of note include:
Dental practitioner audit - DBA has agreed that auditing of dental registrants will commence in 2014. In addition to audit of Criminal History, dental practitioners will also be audited against the Continuing Professional Development and Professional Indemnity Insurance registration standards.
Review of accreditation arrangements - DBA has agreed in principle that the Australian Dental Council will continue to undertake the key accreditation functions of the Dental Board.
Scope of practice registration standard - due to the response to the public consultation, the DBA has advised the Ministerial Council that it would prefer more time to carefully consider the responses and any possible impact of the proposed standard to ensure that dental practitioners are able to continue to work safely and with certainty and within their scope of practice. Until further notice, the current Scope of Practice registration standard remains in force.
Advertising - The National Board has reminded all dental practitioners that they are responsible for the content of all advertising material associated with the provision of their goods/service, regardless of the type of media used to advertise.
Review of accreditation arrangements - DBA has agreed in principle that the Australian Dental Council will continue to undertake the key accreditation functions of the Dental Board.
Scope of practice registration standard - due to the response to the public consultation, the DBA has advised the Ministerial Council that it would prefer more time to carefully consider the responses and any possible impact of the proposed standard to ensure that dental practitioners are able to continue to work safely and with certainty and within their scope of practice. Until further notice, the current Scope of Practice registration standard remains in force.
Advertising - The National Board has reminded all dental practitioners that they are responsible for the content of all advertising material associated with the provision of their goods/service, regardless of the type of media used to advertise.
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