Saturday, August 23, 2014

Minister tells dentists about steps to improve health complaint systems

State Health Minister The Hon. David Davis has outlined to dentists the thoughts of the Government concerning a Parliamentary Committee report on the performance of the Federal regulatory body, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.*

Speaking at the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch Convention, he said the Government was considering the recommendations of the committee. One of the recommendations is to establish a co-regulatory health care complaint system which would work in tandem with AHPRA’s complaints service. The Queensland Government has recently introduced such a system, while NSW has operated a co-regulatory complaint service since the National Law took effect in 2010.

The Minister noted that a national review of AHPRA will commence consultations during September and that the Government would ensure the ADAVB is involved in that process.

He also mentioned new Bills imposing penalties for assault upon a registered health practitioner, which were introduced to Parliament this week.

*AHPRA works with the Dental Board of Australia and 13 other national health practitioner boards performing a number of roles, including handling complaints against practitioners.