Friday, January 16, 2015

What are sugary drinks doing to your body?

Continuing to raise awareness of the risks of sugary drink consumption, the Rethink Sugary Drink Campaign has produced a new poster (part of which is shown here) highlighting the effects of sugary drinks on the body. For instance, drinking one can of soft drink a day can lead to 6.5kg of weight gain in one year.  From a dental health perspective, sugar and acid levels in sugary drinks can cause tooth decay.  Even 'diet' drinks contain acid that damages your teeth.

The campaign stresses the amount of sugar in sweetened beverages, such as soft drink, energy drinks and sports drinks, and hopes to encourage Australians to drink water, reduced-fat milk or unsweetened options.

It is being coordinated by the Cancer Council, Diabetes Australia and the National Heart Foundation, and is supported by the ADAVB and ADA Inc.