Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Experts say you're better off without 'extras' cover

Private Health Insurance Administration Council CEO Shaun Gath has told News Corp Australia that people are better off without extras cover in their private health insurance policies. He described the purchase of extras cover as “irrational” for most people because the premium paid is more than the benefits received.

The Australian Dental Association Inc. advocates on behalf of Australian dentists and consumers on private health insurance issues such as:
  • premium costs and rises
  • the poor value of extras cover
  • preferred providers and patient choice.
A series of fact sheets for consumers have been compiled to help answer questions about private health insurance.

Read more:
Experts say having extras private health insurance doesn't make financial sense
A snapshot of private health insurance in Australia 2015

Pic: Administration Council CEO Shaun Gath. Picture: News Corp Australia Source: News Limited

Call for awareness campaign about sugary drinks

The Rethink Sugary Drink coalition is calling for an awareness campaign to challenge the relentless targeting of young people by big beverage companies.

The coalition is calling for:

A public awareness campaign about the health impacts of soft drinks and the benefits of water.
Tougher restrictions on the sale of soft drinks in schools and venues frequented by young people, such as sports centres.

The move follows new figures from Roy Morgan Research which highlight the growing younger market for soft drink, with 14 to 25 year olds consuming sugary drinks in greater volumes over the past year. This graph shows the proportion of each age group who consume soft drink: 2013-14.

(Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), January 2013 – December 2013 (n=18,576) and January 2014-December 2014 (n=15,944.)

Rethink Sugary Drink is supported by the Australian Dental Association Inc.

View media release.

Monday, March 23, 2015

National Standards Guide for Dental Practices and Services

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has collaborated with the Australian Dental Association and dental practitioners across the country to develop an updated draft National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards Guide for Dental Practices and Services.

The guide aims to assist dental practices and services to use the Standards as a framework to improve the safety and quality of care. It provides information on preparing for accreditation, practical strategies to implement the Standards and clinical scenarios highlighting how the Standards can be applied in dental settings.

The Commission says that whether receiving dental care in a private practice, community dental clinic or a large oral health service, accreditation to the Standards provides a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect.

With many dental practitioners from both the private and public sectors having given their time and expertise in the development of the guide, the Commission is now seeking feedback on the draft guide.

ADAVB member practices seeking assistance with practice accreditation are urged to contact the Branch's Practice Plus team on 03 8825 4600.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

World Oral Health Day 20 March 2015

The Australian Dental Association Inc. is encouraging all Australians to take care of their oral health as part of World Oral Health Day 2015.

This year's theme is “Smile for life!” and has a double meaning: ‘lifelong smile’ and ‘celebrating life’.

Dr Peter Alldritt, Chair of the Oral Health Committee, said, “Smiling has many social and health benefits, from boosting your immune system, lowering your blood pressure, to making you appear more charismatic.

"Good dental habits only require a little bit of time and effort, but will provide lifelong benefits. They are definitely a worthwhile investment.”

View the ADA Inc. media release

Cereal offenders - What's hiding in your cereal?

Australian cereal manufacturers are potentially misleading consumers by promoting healthy sounding statements on their packaging despite sugar making up more than 35% of the ingredients of some popular brands, a recent survey has revealed.

The Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC) analysed the labels of 20 popular breakfast cereals and found that the majority of products carried healthy sounding claims such as a ‘source of fibre’, ‘69% wholegrain’ and ‘no artificial flavours’ – though some contained more than one third sugar.

Jane Martin, Executive Manager of the OPC, believes consumers deserve the right to a clearer picture about what they are eating and the Coalition is urging all cereal manufacturers to adopt Australia’s voluntary Health Star Rating food label system.

Cereal offenders – What’s hiding in your cereal?

Friday, March 13, 2015

ADAVB BOQ Specialist $10,000 CPD practice bursary announced

ADAVB and BOQ Specialist have announced an annual professional development grant - the ADAVB/BOQ Specialist CPD Practice Bursary.

Funded by BOQ Specialist, the $10,000 bursary acknowledges dental practices which are committed to quality learning and to fund further professional development for practitioners and professional staff members.

The award is open to all ADAVB member-owned private practices and submissions will be accepted until 5pm on 12 June 2015.

Complete the application form.

More information for media outlets.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Peak bodies collaborate to improve oral health

The ADAVB, DHSV and PSA (Vic Branch) have launched a joint statement on oral health.

The position statement provides a foundation for pharmacists and the dental sector to work collaboratively to support better oral health outcomes in the community.

Pictured at the launch (L-R) Dr Deborah Cole, CEO DHSV, Prof Hanny Calache, DHSV, Ms Michelle Lynch, President PSA(Vic) and ADAVB President Dr Bob Cvetkovic.

That Sugar Film special screening - eviDent Fundraiser

Have you seen #ThatSugarFilm? The ADA Inc. is urging all Australians to watch this movie.

Join us at a special screening of "That Sugar Film" at Cinema Nova, Carlton, and contribute to the important research work of the eviDent Foundation. 

Date: Thursday 16 April
Time: 7.00pm

All profits from this event will help the eviDent Foundation to improve the oral and general health of the community. Donations of $2 or more above the ticket price are tax deductible.

Don't miss out! Book a place now for you and your friends.