Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lack of Federal dental funding in the News

ADAVB is concerned about the reduction in Federal Government funding for public dental care, as highlighted in this recent Channel 9 television news report featuring ADAVB President, Dr Stephen Liew.

The special feature length news story by journalist Emily Rice highlighted the blow-out of public dental waiting lists from around nine months in 2013 to over 12 months in 2015 and the reduction in Federal funding for public dental care.  The need for recurrent Federal funding of dental services is also highlighted.

View the Channel 9 dental public funding news story

Friday, July 24, 2015

More research points to decline in sugary drink consumption

A survey of more than 1500 consumers conducted in May by investment bank Morgan Stanley, shows that 48 per cent of respondents do not consume or have cut back on consumption of carbonated drinks.

The shift away from sugar and low sugar soft drinks is most pronounced in their target market, 18 to 34 year old consumers, despite new packaging, products and campaign aimed at this age group.

The ADA is a supporter of Rethink Sugary Drink, a campaign which includes a consensus statement and recommendations on tackling over-consumption of sugary drinks.

The consumption of sugar sweetened beverages is associated with increased energy intake and in turn, weight gain and obesity. Obesity is the leading risk factor for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers.

Source: www.rethinksugarydrink.org.au

DRISS: Take a closer look at rural Australia

The federally funded Dental Relocation and Infrastructure Support Scheme (DRISS) awards Relocation Grants, as well as Relocation and Infrastructure Grants, to dentists who relocate to provide general dental services in regional and remote locations within Australia.

DRISS offers:
  • Relocation Grants of $15,000 to $120,000; and
  • Relocation and Infrastructure Grants up to $370,000.
Victorian Information Session
For the 7 September - 9 October 2015 funding round.
Date: Monday 17 August
Time: 5.45pm
Place: ADAVB Meeting Rooms, 10 Yarra St. South Yarra
Cost: free
To register please visit www.rhwa.org.au/DRISS

Improving dietary advice in the dental setting

Can you help with an eviDent research study on improving dietary advice in the dental setting?

Dr Melanie Hayes, PhD, of the University of Melbourne Dental School, is seeking dental practitioners to take part in a study on improving current clinical practice in the area of diet and nutrition. 

Participants will complete a survey on current practices, and then receive online training in simple diet assessment and nutritional counselling. The online module should take no more than 30 minutes to complete, and practitioners will be followed up in 6 months’ time to see if their perceptions on dietary advice have changed.

The results will aim to improve current practices and contribute much-needed information to the under-researched evidence base for the role of dietary analysis and nutritional counselling in reducing caries risk in the community. 

Can you assist with this study, or would you like more information? If so, please contact Dr Hayes, PhD, by 31 July 2015 at melanie.hayes@unimelb.edu.au. For further information about this project please visit the eviDent project page.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Dental Health Week 3-9 August

Dental Health Week 2015 - Sports and Oral Health

Get your dental practice involved in this year's Dental Health Week (3-9 August). The campaign centres on "Seven Sporting Sins" and how to care for oral health whilst being active and playing sport.

The main areas of focus are promoting the use of mouth guards and warnings about consumption of sports drinks. To get involved, download the event handbook, posters and other campaign material from the ADA Inc. Dental Health Week website.

Sporting clubs, schools and community groups can also get involved with a variety of free classroom, community group and sporting club resources available on the ADA Inc. website.

Mouthguard Policy Competition

As part of Dental Health Week, the ADA is offering 7x $1000 grants for schools/sporting clubs.
The grants aim to help sporting clubs and schools to promote mouthguard awareness and injury prevention. Visit dentalhealthweek.com.au and follow the two easy steps to enter! Entries close 23 August.

Dental tips for patients

The Dental Board of Australia (DBA) and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (APHRA) have developed important tips for dental patients to help ensure you are receiving safe quality care from your dentist.

The job of the DBA and APHRA is to protect the health of the public. You can check if you are getting safe care from your dentist by asking some key questions such as:
  • Is your dentist registered?
  • Is your dentist wearing appropriate clothing, mask and gloves?
  • Does your dentist work with an assistant?

View the dental tips for patients

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Dentists and dental specialists off national Skilled Occupation List

The Federal Government has removed "dentist" and "dental specialist" from the national Skilled Occupation List (SOL).

In a recent radio interview, Dr Hugo Sachs, Vice President, Australian Dental Association, said that it's the first step in dealing with the oversupply of dentists in Australia.

Applicants with recognised skills in these occupations may no longer apply for the Skilled Independent, Skilled Provisional and Graduate visas.

The ADA has been concerned about the number of dentists entering the Australian workforce and has lobbied for the removal of dentistry from the SOL for a number of years. The ADA commissioned a number of reports assessing oversupply issues in Australia, including the Review of Dental Workforce Supply 2020.

Further information: ADA News 3 July 2015