Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Reducing Radiation Exposure to Children and Young People from CT Scans

To support a reduction in unwarranted radiation exposure to children and young people from computed tomography (CT) scans, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is promoting resources to inform the referral and provision of CT scans for these patients.

This work, funded by the Department of Health, was undertaken in consultation with the States and Territories, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, medical colleges, professional bodies including the Australian Dental Association, and peak groups that work in the area of child health.

The Commission has partnered with Healthdirect Australia to establish a web page. This site is dedicated to hosting resources on CT scanning for children and young people and includes sections for parents and carers, referrers, medical imaging providers, dental practitioners and their patients.

Friday, August 21, 2015

ADA Submission to the DBA: Workforce oversupply

The ADA Inc. has written to the Chair of the Dental Board of Australia to ask for removal of automatic recognition of qualifications for dentists from the UK and Ireland, when this is not reciprocated for Australian graduates.

The letter outlines that dental workforce oversupply remains a significant issue in Australia, and that as well as removing dentistry from the Skilled Occupations List, there are complementary measures that can and should be taken.

One of these is reviewing the automatic recognition of dentists' qualification from UK and Ireland.  Removal of the Public Sector Dental Workforce Scheme is also advocated.

Source: ADA Inc website
Read the ADA letter in full (PDF)
ADAVB News and Advocacy

Medical profession takes up private health insurance protests

The ADA applauds the Australian Medical Association’s take up of warnings about the increasing threat to quality healthcare that for-profit private health insurers pose to the Australian community.

Over the years, the ADA has sounded the alarm about profit-driven private health insurers' increasing interference in the practice and provision of dental care for patients.

Source: ADA Inc website

Read the full ADA media release - 20 August 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

New Public Holidays confirmed despite protests

Minister for Small Business Philip Dalidakis today lodged a notice of decision confirming the Andrews Labor Government’s election commitment to make Grand Final Friday and Easter Sunday public holidays from this year.

Despite opposition from most businesses in Victoria, and concerns about reduced public access to health services, the Government's commitment to their election promise meant that all protests were futile.

The notice of decision was signed by the Minister following the conclusion of the Regulatory Impact Statement process on 5 August.

The new public holidays will be officially introduced via a notice in the Government Gazette this week, allowing little time for dental practices to confirm their rosters and notify patients of their plans for Grand Final Friday.

The ADAVB has written to Health Minister Jill Hennessy to highlight concerns that the additional costs borne by Community Health Centres and hospitals create new unfunded liabilities, which can only have the effect of cutting available funds, and so reducing access to care.

Updated information about Victorian Public Holidays will be published at the Government's business website.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Health Ministers respond to NRAS Review

Of the 33 recommendations proposed in the Final Report of the Independent Review of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for Health Professions, Health Ministers accept 9 recommendations, accept in principle 11 recommendations, do not accept 6 recommendations, and defer decisions on 7 recommendations pending further advice.

The Communique issued by the COAG Health Council (meeting as the Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council) details responses to the 33 recommendations.

Measures to improve the design and operation of the complaints and notifications processes administered by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency and State Health Complaints Entities, were agreed to proceed "as a matter of immediate priority".

In response to "significant concerns with the cost, transparency and accountability of Accreditation Authorities", Health Ministers have requested AHMAC to commission a comprehensive review of the accreditation processes within the National Scheme.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Investing in better dental care for Victorians

The Minister for Health, Ms Jill Hennessy, has announced that the State Government is investing more that $207 million in public dental services in 2015-16. The announcement coincides with Dental Health Week (3-9 August).

This funding will provide dental treatment to over 332,000 eligible patients this year, and includes more than $3.7 million to upgrade equipment.

However, the National Partnership Agreement on Adult Public Dental Services that was supposed to provide Victoria $220 million over three years, was cut in the recent Federal Budget to just $38.5 million for one year only.

Dental Health Week 3- 9 August

ADAVB in the News - Channel 10 Dental Health Week exclusive

Sports drinks can be harmful - dentists warn

Dentists are warning high levels of sugar and acids in many sports drinks can have a harmful impact on a person's oral health.

Australian Dental Association’s Dr Peter Alldritt said players in active sports should stick to water to avoid erosion and tooth decay.

"People sometimes drink sports drinks thinking they are healthier than a soft drink," he said. "They can contain six to eight teaspoons of sugar in one drink, which is not far behind some soft drinks."

As part of Dental Health Week, an ADA survey of 1200 Australians revealed over 50 per cent of adults and around 30 per cent of children consume sports drinks every week, unaware of the health risks.

To avoid dental trauma, the campaign also highlights the importance of people playing active sport to wear mouthguards fitted by dentists.