Thursday, January 28, 2016

Toothache more common for uninsured - report

Uninsured adults are more likely to have experienced toothache (20%) than insured adults (12%), according to a new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

The report, Oral health and dental care in Australia: key facts and figures 2015, also shows that of those who were eligible for public dental care in 2013, just over 20% experienced toothache, compared with almost 15% of adults who were not eligible.

"In 2013, 16% of adults with natural teeth had experienced toothache in the previous 12 months and 27% reported feeling uncomfortable about their dental appearance," AIHW spokesperson Dr Adrian Webster said.

The ADA has long advocated for improved Government funding of basic dental care, as there are many within our community who are eligible for publicly funded treatment but do not have timely access to care.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Australia Day Honours for dentists

Two Victorian dentists and a former non-executive Director of Dental Health Services Victoria have been recognised in the Australia Day Honours.  The ADAVB extends its warm congratulations to all of the following.

Dr John Eric Moody, of Berwick, was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to clinical dentistry, particularly in remote Indigenous communities, and in the establishment of oral cancer treatment programs in India. He was the “first flying dentist” in Arnhem Land, NT – 1948-50.

Dr Sajeev Koshy, of Greensborough, received the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to dentistry in the State. Dr Koshy notes that the award recognises the work of teams he has led in public agencies across Victoria to provide services to public patients and to enhance access and best practice arrangements.

Mr Anthony Craig Monley, of Templestowe, was awarded an OAM for service to the community through a range of organisations. He was a non-executive Director of Dental Health Services Victoria 2010-13.

Three interstate dentists were also recognised: 

Dr Ross Stuart Dunn AM, of Wynnum West, Queensland - for significant service to dentistry as a clinician, to public dental health initiatives in developing countries, and to professional organisations.

Former ADA National President Dr William James O’Reilly AM, of Mosman, NSW - for significant service to dentistry, particularly through leadership roles with professional associations, to education, and as a practitioner.

Dr Richard James Sawers OAM, of Parkside, SA - for significant service to dentistry as a clinician, educator, and to professional dental associations.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

ADA committed to helping rural people

A broader commitment – especially in rural communities – is needed to strengthen the awareness of the importance of good oral health, the ADA President Dr Rick Olive AM RFD, says.

Commenting on a survey which found that some doctors in rural communities were confident enough to provide dental assistance to patients in pain, he said that the ADA is involved in a number of efforts to provide dentistry to country people.

This includes supporting the Federal Government’s Dental Relocation (DRISS) and Infrastructure Support Scheme, which encourages dentists to move to the country, and advocacy efforts through the National Rural Health Alliance.

Through the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Victoria), ADAVB is a partner in the Mobile Dental Care Program co-funded by the Victorian Government. The Branch also supports DRISS, assists rural members, works with country doctors through Primary Health Networks, and aids the State Government in extending its water fluoridation program throughout Victoria.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Save the date: Public Dentistry Forum 19 Feb 2016

The ADAVB is holding a Public Dentistry Forum on 19 February 2016.

Venue: ADAVB offices, Level 3, 10 Yarra Street, South Yarra
Time: 6.30pm

All dentists, employed either part time or full time in the public/community sector, are invited to attend, including any dentists with an interest in public dentistry.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to:
  • network with colleagues 
  • meet and hear from the ADAVB Public Dentistry Committee chair and members
  • meet representatives from Professionals Australia (PA), and hear more about the ADAVB/PA Alliance.
We look forward to welcoming you at this event and sharing our plans for how we will support community dentists in obtaining the fair working conditions they deserve, as well as our ongoing work in the public dentistry sector.

Register online or contact Roula Papatheodorou at the ADAVB on 8825 4600 or via email: by the 12 February.

For further details about the alliance and our advocacy work please visit the advocacy page on our website:

Public Dentistry Advocacy Activities
FAQs on the new ADAVB/PA Alliance

Monday, January 18, 2016

Few rural doctors confident of providing dental care

A survey has found that only some country doctors are confident in providing dental care or referring patients for appropriate care.

The University of Tasmania Centre for Rural Health interviewed rural GPs from rural Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania, finding that many were untrained in oral health but regularly received patients with dental problems.

Researchers found rural GPs saw an average of 12 patients each month with oral health concerns, including toothache, abscesses and trauma.

The study, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, found patients were often unable or unwilling to go to a dentist. Although 18 of the 30 GPs interviewed said they were confident with providing oral health care, others said they knew little about dentistry.

Dental referral resources for medical practitioners have been developed by Medicare Locals, and more recently by various Primary Health Networks, especially using HealthPathways. The ADAVB's pilot project in partnership with the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Vic) and Dental Health Services Victoria is also addressing dental access issues for people living in rural communities.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Standardise health insurance policies - consumer body

A survey has found only half of the people who take out private health insurance are confident they understand what their policy covers, and only one-in-four found it easy to compare policies.

The survey found that more than one-in-five policy holders reported having a claim denied by their insurer, and overall satisfaction of users with their policies was at only 38%.

With just over half of the population having some kind of private health insurance, the national health peak body for consumers – Consumers Health Forum - will present a new plan to the Federal Government.

The group hopes to persuade the Government to require private health funds to offer standardised policies, so consumers can easily compare and weed out "junk policies".

Friday, January 08, 2016

Include a dental appointment in your back to school checklist

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) is urging parents to book their children into an appointment with their dentist, as part of their back to school checklist.

Dr Peter Alldritt, Chair of the ADA's Oral Health Committee, said, “Early detection of any dental issues arising will reduce the extent of the problem and avoid later possible extensive care. A visit to the dentist is also an opportunity to be updated about how the family can best take care of their dental health”.

Families who are eligible for Medicare and receive Family Tax Benefit Part A could be entitled to receive $1,000 (over two consecutive calendar years) in assistance toward each child’s dental treatment as part of the Australian Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule.

Parents whose children play sport should also ask their dentist about custom fitted mouthguards, or have current mouthguards reviewed, to ensure maximum protection against dental and facial injuries.

More information

ADA Inc. Media Release 7/1/2016
Eligibility for Child Dental Benefits Schedule
Mouthguard awareness