Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dental Honours

In the Queen’s Birthday Honours, ADAVB member Dr Edward Colin Crawford was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) “for significant service to dentistry in the field of orthodontics, to professional organisations, and to tertiary education”.  Dr Crawford was one of the key founders of the Give-a-Smile charity established by the Australian Society of Orthodontists.

WA dentist Dr Michael Francis McGuinness also received an AM “for significant service to dentistry as a clinician, to oral health education, to professional groups, and to the community of Toodyay”.

eviDent Foundation Director and Chair of eviDent's Development Committee and Finance and Audit Committee, Mr Kenneth James Harrison was honoured with the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) “for significant service to the community through financial support and senior roles with horticultural, social welfare, medical and cultural groups”.

The ADAVB extends its congratulations and appreciation to these Honours recipients for their valued service to the profession and the community.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Cybercrime warning

A fake AGL energy bill email is infecting computers, highlighting the importance for members to limit their risk to cybercrime.

The scam asks users to click on a link which then downloads a damaging virus and tries to steal user names and passwords to spread it further. Thousands of Australians are believed to have already fallen victim.

AGL says the scam emails tell users they have passed their energy consumption limit and need to pay their bill. The email “presents as an e-Account”, which prompts customers to download a .zip file containing ‘ransomware’, which locks the computer and demands an $800 payment.

Last week alone three member practices reported that they had been subject to ransomware attacks which locked them out of their data.

To help members protect their businesses from cybercrime, ADAVB has worked with specialist brokers Cyber Data-Risk Managers Pty Ltd to offer cyber insurance.

To report cybercrime, contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Scamwatch or the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN).