Friday, December 16, 2016

Relief for continued CDBS but concern at significant funding cuts

The ADAVB has welcomed the Federal Government decision to continue the Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS), however has voiced concerns over the significant cut to public dental funding.

Speaking on ABC Radio this morning, Dr Andrew Gikas, ADAVB President, said he was concerned that hundreds of thousands of children from low income families would miss out on vital care due to a 30% cut in the public dental care cap, from $1000 to $700 per eligible child over two years.

The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has also voiced serious concerns over the massive cut. Alison Verhoeven, AHHA Chief Executive, said that up to 338,000 people across Australia would lose access to public dental services. She emphasised that this would have serious implications on more than just oral health - poor oral health further disadvantages those from low income backgrounds as it affects the ability to secure employment and heightens social exclusion.

Listen to this morning's ABC Radio interview with Dr Andrew Gikas.

View AHHA media release

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The CDBS is saved!

The ADA Inc. has celebrated the success of its #savetheCDBS campaign in responding to the announcement today by Health Minister Sussan Ley that the scheme would be retained in modified form, and that the previously proposed Child and Adult Public Dental Scheme will not proceed.

See the ADA reaction and a link to their media release here.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Dental profession says no to workplace violence, bullying and inappropriate behaviour

The ADAVB is proud to be a signatory on a Joint Position Statement against bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour in the oral health sector - an Australian first for the health sector.

The signing was witnessed and endorsed by Victorian Health and Emergency Services Minister the Hon. Jill Hennessy MP.

The joint statement is an excellent example of collaboration across the sector, in working together to promote respectful workplaces.

The following organisations have signed the pledge:
Dental Health Services Victoria
The University of Melbourne
La Trobe University
RMIT University
Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch
Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists’ Association Inc.
Australian Dental Prosthetists Association
Dental Hygienists Association of Australia
Australian Dental Council

View media release and joint position statement

ADAVB pre-budget submission urges government to help those in greatest need

The ADAVB has urged the Victorian Government to frame a 2017-2018 Victorian State Budget that promotes the oral health of Victorians, especially those in greatest need. 

The pre-budget submission emphasises that the most disadvantaged and vulnerable are at greatest risk of poor oral health and that the sustainability of the Victorian public dental sector is paramount to ensure the community receives the care it needs.

The ADAVB Pre-Budget Submission highlights four key areas of need:

1. Increase public dental funding to provide timely care to more Victorians in need.
2. Support access to dental care for people in rural and remote communities.
3. Continue to focus on preventive care.
4. Support a strong and sustainable public dental workforce.

The ADAVB submission, including detailed information on each of these priority areas is available on our Advocacy>Submissions webpage.

Shape the future of your association - have your say

The ADA membership survey is your chance to let us know what matters to you and how we can help you do your job better.

It's in your inbox now. Look out for the email title: "Have your say in the 2016 ADA member survey" which was sent by Survey Matters on Thursday 17 November. A reminder was sent to all members on Tuesday 29 November.

If you are an ADA member and wish to participate in the survey but haven't received the email, please contact

We look forward to hearing your views.

Find out more about the survey.

Holiday emergency telephone service

The ADAVB will not be providing an emergency telephone service for the Christmas-New Year period due to the low take-up rate last season. As a result, members who are closing their surgeries during this period, should advise their patients and provide alternative options. This could include a notice on the door of the practice, a recorded telephone message or website update, advising people of the nearest emergency dental service, with contact details.

Dr Cole appointed to chair nation's leading public healthcare body

ADAVB congratulates Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) CEO Dr Deborah Cole on her appointment as Chair of the Board of the nation’s leading public healthcare body, the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA).

Since joining DHSV in 2011, Dr Cole has worked to significantly improve the community’s access to quality and equitable dental care.

Prior to joining the agency, Dr Cole held CEO positions at Calvary Health Care and Yarra City Council, as well as senior executive positions at Mercy Health and St Vincent’s Health.  She also served as a member of the Dental Practice Board of Victoria.