Friday, June 29, 2018

Victorian public dentists and dental specialists reach historic pay deal

Victorian public dentists and dental specialists reach historic pay deal with 19.2% compounded pay increase 

The Enterprise Bargaining Agreements (EBAs) for dentists and dental specialists employed in the public sector expired in May-June 2017. Over the past 12 months, the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch (ADAVB) and Professionals Australia have engaged in extensive negotiations for new EBAs. There have been 19 meetings since July 2017, with ADAVB members and employer representatives from the Victoria Hospitals’ Industrial Association (VHIA).

The ADAVB is pleased to announce that an in-principle agreement for public hospital employees has been reached and endorsed by members, to proceed with drafting formal EBAs. This has been achieved through the strong actions of the ADAVB and its members with their Respect Public Dentistry campaign, to ensure a strong and sustainable public dental system to meet the oral health needs of vulnerable Victorians. This has involved meeting with Members of Parliament, engaging with the community and voting to take protected industrial action.

Starting from a position of being up to 40% behind on salary compared to interstate public sector dentists and specialists, the key aspect of the new offer is a significant wage increase of 19.2% compounded over four years. The first salary increase will be 6%, effective from 1 July 2018, which will apply to the base rates and existing salary related allowances. There will be subsequent increases of 6% + 3% + 3% in following years. Dentists and dental specialists will receive a sign-on bonus of $2000 and a CPD allowance of $2000 per year.

ADAVB has focused on an outcome that will help to attract and retain experienced dentists and dental specialists in the critical work of public dentistry. This will be substantially helped by a significant additional uplift in salary for dentists at the mid-levels of experience, where retention incentives are needed the most.

“There is no doubt that this deal will make a huge difference to recruiting and retaining dedicated dentists and dental specialists in the public sector,” said ADAVB President Dr Kevin Morris. “We know there is more to do, especially for our specialists in training. We also need to ensure that our colleagues in community health agencies are offered a deal with fair pay and conditions too, and we will continue to actively pursue this in enterprise bargaining negotiations.”

“The Agreement for public hospital employees will see public dentists and dental specialists receive long overdue increases in their salaries over the life of the Agreements, providing a massive incentive for clinicians to become experienced, and to remain in the public sector serving vulnerable Victorians,” said ADAVB CEO Associate Professor Matt Hopcraft.

Another important element of the deal includes an improvement in paid parental leave of from 10 to 12 weeks. The importance of dentists continually improving is being supported in the Agreements, with provisions to support continuing professional development (CPD) activities, including CPD reimbursed up to $2000 each year.

Once the drafting of the Agreements is finalised, they will be submitted to a ballot of employees for approval as required by the Fair Work Act.

ADAVB encourages all dentists working in the public sector to join and nominate the ADAVB as their bargaining representative to ensure strong representation and positive outcomes for all public sector members and the community they serve.

Pictured L-R: A historic pay deal. A/Prof Matthew Hopcraft (ADAVB CEO) and Stuart McCullough, CEO (Victorian Hospitals Industrial Association).

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Get your keys to success before 30 June

Looking for professional development with a difference for your whole dental team? Training... dinner... yoga... a cocktail night? Get your keys to success now and join us at the ADAVB Convention!

Enjoy a multidisciplinary event which includes dedicated programs streams for dentists, dental assistants, practice managers, and dental hygienists and dental & oral health therapists. There's a special program for ADC graduates too.

Take some time out and meet ADAVB CEO, A/Prof Matthew Hopcraft and ADAVB President Dr Kevin Morris at the ADAVB member lounge. Have a coffee while you catch up with the latest in member offerings and make sure you also attend our "Yoga by donation" session running during lunch on Saturday 11 August.

ADAVB Convention Keys to #Success
10-11 August 2018
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Gain 12 CPD hours while you enjoy innovative presentations designed to challenge, engage and question, from international and Australian presenters including:

  • Dr Sally Cockburn – GP and health advocate 'Dr Feelgood' – who will open the Convention
  • Professor Julian Sulavescu – Renowned international philosopher and bioethicist 
  • Professor John Sorenson – Well-known restorative and prosthodontic specialist from the US
  • Dr Bobbi Birdi – Dual specialist in periodontics and prosthodontics from Canada
  • Professor Stéphane Simon –  Endodontist, Doctor in Dental Surgery and PhD in Pulp Biology, France

Keynote Speakers

Social events

Add a few tickets to our eviDent Foundation Fundraising Dinner and enjoy a social night out, for a great cause. You'll enjoy a night of music, dinner, dancing, auction, games and more!

Get in quick for early bird convention registration pricing which ends on 30 June.

Find out more and register


eviDent Fundraising Dinner

Member lounge

Yoga by donation

Cocktail Night

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

20% less sugar - Too little, too late

The Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch (ADAVB) says the new pledge from the Australian Beverages Council to reduce sugar across the industry’s product range is really an attempt to avoid the regulation required to make a meaningful impact on health.

The beverage industry pledge is to reduce the total sugar across the aggregated sales volume of all non-alcoholic beverages, including soft drinks, energy drinks, bottled water, juice and fruit drink, iced teas and flavoured milks. This means that companies could potentially meet the pledge by increasing sales of low or no sugar products such as bottled water, rather than making their drinks less sugary.

According to ADAVB President Dr Kevin Morris, this is a step in the right direction, but will do nothing to immediately reduce the amount of sugar in many commonly consumed products.

“A can of Coca Cola will still contain 10 teaspoons of sugar, nearly double the daily limit of 6 teaspoons recommended by the World Health Organisation,” said Dr Morris.

“It appears to be a smokescreen to divert from the threat of regulation that will make a real impact on sugar consumption", he said.

The evidence is clear that too much added sugar contributes to tooth decay, and with 40% of Australian children experiencing tooth decay by 12-14 years of age, more action is required to reduce the amount of sugar we are consuming.

“More than 2,600 children are hospitalised for dental treatment each year in Victoria, with nearly 9,500 teeth requiring removal”, said Dr Morris.

ADAVB CEO A/Prof Matt Hopcraft has been a strong advocate for sugar reduction, and in particular, for a tax on sugary drinks.

“The overseas experience has shown that a tax on sugary drinks works, with the evidence from many countries that consumers are switching their drink choices. The UK model has been even more effective, with manufacturers reformulating products to actually remove sugar from drinks,” said A/Prof Hopcraft.

“The ongoing advocacy from a wide range of health and consumer groups has been instrumental in forcing the beverage industry on the back foot, and it is disappointing that the Federal Government is not prepared to step up and show some real leadership on this issue", he said.

Media enquiries: Lisa Legge, Ph: 99825 4600

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

ADAVB announces new President, Dr Kevin Morris

The ADAVB congratulates and welcomes new ADAVB President, Dr Kevin Morris. Kevin graduated from The University of Melbourne in 1993 and worked in both private and public sectors before joining the Australian Regular Army as a dental officer for four years until 2001. He joined ADAVB Council in 2014.

In his early years of involvement with the ADAVB, Kevin served on the Recent Graduates Committee as a member and later as Chair. He has been a casual clinical demonstrator, as well as examiner, for the general dentist program for The University of Melbourne since 1994.

Kevin served on the Defence Advisory Committee, Deputy Chair for the Finance Risk and Audit Committee and member of the Executive, before becoming President. He is a periodontist and practises both in the private and public sectors. He is looking forward to the challenges of his new leadership role, addressing the issues affecting the profession, and encourages members to get involved to ensure the ADAVB is a strong united voice on important advocacy issues.

We also welcome Dr Gitika Sanghvi, as Vice President. Gitika graduated from The University of Melbourne in 2006 and was elected to ADAVB Council in 2013. She completed the ADAVB Health Sector Leadership Course in 2012.

Gitika was Chair of the Recent Graduate and Students Committee in 2010/11 (and member since 2004), ADC Graduate Support Ad Hoc Committee in 2017/18, and has been a member of multiple other ADAVB Committees, including the Oral Health and the Sports/Social Committees. She currently serves on the Constitution and Policy Committee. Gitika was a clinical demonstrator for the final year dental students at Goulburn Valley Health. She runs a private practice in the city and has worked in public and private general practice, both rurally and around Melbourne.

We thank Dr Susan Wise, immediate past President, for her insightful leadership contributions, for her understanding of our diverse profession, and her commitment to addressing not only the issues affecting members, but also the oral health of the community.

Pictured above: Dr Susan Wise and Dr Kevin Morris

Friday, June 08, 2018

Dentists and dental specialists at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne to vote on strike action

Dentists and dental specialists at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne (RDHM) have taken the unprecedented step of joining together to seek approval for protected industrial action from the Fair Work Commission.

A year after their Enterprise Bargaining Agreements expired, public sector dentists and dental specialists have been left dangling, after negotiations with the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association reached an impasse.

Yesterday the Fair Work Commission issued an order to allow a protected action ballot.

Victoria’s public dental system is in crisis, with new data exposing waiting times of up to four years for vulnerable Victorians. Less than 20% of eligible Victorians are accessing care annually and there are more than 150,000 languishing on waiting lists.

Public dentists and dental specialists in Victoria are paid up to 40% less than their colleagues interstate, impacting on the recruitment and retention of experienced and dedicated clinicians required to provide the care that Victorians need.

Public dentists and dental specialists are pushing for greater respect, recognition and reward for the care they provide to Victorians. ADAVB and Professionals Australia are supporting members to seek a fairer outcome in negotiations for their new enterprise agreement.

ADAVB members who work at RDHM will now participate in a vote to determine what strike action they will take.
  • If you are a dentist or dental specialist working at RDHM, ensure you are eligible to vote and take action by ensuring you are an ADAVB member.
  • Ensure you have nominated ADAVB as your bargaining representative, with the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne listed as your employer
  • Ensure that ADAVB has your current home address details, as this is where your ballot papers will be posted by the Australian Electoral Commission.
Only ADAVB members can participate and support action. 
    Not a member? Now is the time. Contact ADAVB now and join today Email or phone us on 8825 4600.

    Not a public sector dentist but keen to show your support?
    Send a message to the Victorian Government that all Victorians deserve a healthy smile by signing the petition at

    Tuesday, June 05, 2018

    Get involved in Dental Health Week 2018

    It's time to start thinking about Dental Health Week (6-12 August). This year's theme is #watchyourmouth. What can your workplace, school or community group do to take part and raise awareness about dental health? We've got you covered with these healthy messages to promote, resources to use and ideas to share!

    Focus on these key messages:
    • Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
    • Clean in between teeth at least once a day with floss or an interdental brush
    • Eat a healthy balance diet and limit sugar intake
    • Regularly visit the dentist for check-ups and preventive treatment.
    Visit the Dental Health Week website for resources to help you with:
    • Planning and running an event
    • Promoting healthy messages
    • Info-sharing with interesting facts
    • Going social and getting some publicity
    Don't have time to run your own event? Come to one of ours!

    eviDent Foundation Enchanted Forest Dinner, Friday 10 August

    Bring your whole team, have a great night out and don't organise a thing! Be enchanted at our eviDent Foundation Fundraising Dinner. Contribute to oral health research while having an unforgettable night - during Dental Health Week! 

    Host a tea party - Tea for Teeth

    Invite your dental practice, school or workplace, or simply gather some friends together for some good times and tea! Raise funds while you sip away. We'll help you get organised with everything you need to host your Tea for Teeth tea party. 

    Top up on CPD hours

    Our ADAVB Convention 10-11 August is being held during Dental Health Week. Come along, catch up with colleagues, hear from leading Australian and international experts while you gain 12 CPD hours over two days. Register before 30 June for significant early bird savings! There's something for everyone and the whole dental team is invited. 

    Find out more about Dental Health Week: