Victorian dentists employed in community health centres (CHCs) are making a significant stand against unfair pay and working conditions by stopping work on 17 September for 24 hours and holding a demonstration at Parliament House. In Victoria, dentists have never stopped work or participated in a demonstration of this scale.
Join us and show your support
Work in the city or don’t work on Mondays? Join our demonstration on the steps of Parliament House at 12pm. Your colleagues need your voice to help them achieve the fair pay and working conditions they deserve.
Date: Monday 17 September
Time: 12pm to 1pm
Location: Parliament House, Spring St, East Melbourne
Who can participate in the stoppage?
ONLY dentists working in the following clinics on Monday 17 September from 7am may participate in the 24-hour work stoppage. Dentists taking action must be ADAVB members and must have nominated the ADAVB as their bargaining representative.
- Merri Health
- Co-Health
- Your Community Health
- Dianella and Plenty Valley Community Health
- North Richmond Community Health
- IPC Health
- Connect Health and Community
- Healthability and Carrington Health
- Link Health and Community
- Inspiro
- Latrobe Community Health Service
To nominate ADAVB as your bargaining representative go to to complete the online form (member login required).
Why is the stop work occurring?
After 15 months of detailed negotiations an agreement has not been reached for ADAVB members employed in CHCs. This is in contrast to the in-principle agreement achieved for their public hospital colleagues in June 2018. Currently, five organisations have informally agreed to implement the public hospital sector agreement.
Protected industrial action has already commenced at the majority of CHCs, including the 30-minute stoppage which occurred on 22 August. This received positive media attention, shining a much-needed spotlight on the community dental sector. However, this action did not result in a comparable offer made to dentists employed in the community health sector.
See you at the demonstration!
Anyone can attend the public demonstration. Support your colleagues at the demonstration on the steps of Parliament House and be part of a historic event! Help your colleagues get the respect they deserve and the care that vulnerable Victorians need. A strong, fair and sustainable public dental system is vital for the entire dental profession. It highlights the critical role that dentists play in health care and promotes the important role of oral health in overall health.
Not a member?
Now is the time to join and make a real difference to #RespectPublicDentistry. Please email for membership enquiries.
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