Thursday, February 28, 2019

Celebrating leading ADAVB women on International Women's Day - Dr Gitika Sanghvi

In the lead up to International Women's Day on Friday 8 March, we're profiling the leadership journeys of leading ADAVB women. First up we spoke to ADAVB Vice President (and incoming 2019/2020 ADAVB President) Dr Gitika Sanghvi.

What motivated you to study dentistry? Were you ever constrained by perceptions about what women ‘can’t’ do?

I had many family friends who were studying dentistry when I was younger and they always made the course seem interesting and fun. A dentist’s working hours sounded appealing and the fact that you can’t take your work home was a plus. Dentistry seemed both creative and scientific, which appealed to my interests. Growing up, gender wasn’t ever taken into account – it was always stressed, both at school and at home, that anyone could achieve great things (in any profession) if you worked hard and put your mind to it.

Describe some of the inspiring women in your life that have made an impact on you. 

I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by multiple strong, smart and driven women. One of them is my mum, who somehow managed to run multiple small businesses while still being there to organise my siblings and I when we were growing up.  My sister and sister-in-law are also pretty amazing, both successful professionals in different fields, and starting up businesses from scratch.  Other than family, I’m really fortunate to have a close group of friends who are all over-achievers, and we all tend to inspire and push each other to do our best and give back.

How has the dentistry workforce changed since you studied and throughout your career?

When I went through university my graduating year was around 50:50 male to female, whereas in  previous years it seemed to be more males. Now there  are more females studying dentistry than males. I think the perception of dentistry as a career has changed over the last couple of decades making it more attractive to females.

Tell us about your pathway throughout your leadership journey. 

I’ve always endeavoured to get involved and contribute.  At university, I was the Melbourne Dental Student Society’s President and became a representative on the ADAVB Recent Graduate and Student Committee that same year. Over the years I’ve put myself forward for positions on a few ADAVB committees and was nominated for, and completed, the Health Sector Leadership Program in 2012. I was elected to Council in 2013, and after a few years I nominated to go on Executive. Now three years later, I’m Vice-President.

Describe some of the highlights of your role as ADAVB Vice-President. 

Oh, there’s been a few! Most recently a highlight was meeting with the Victorian Health Minister, the Hon. Jenny Mikakos, to discuss current dental issues – it was great to have an open dialogue so early in her term.

I am also really enjoying meeting members at events, having a chat and getting direct feedback.  And of course, it’s hugely satisfying being able to make decisions together with the other councillors that have a positive impact on our profession.

What do you say to women considering taking the step into leadership with the ADAVB?

Don’t be afraid to put yourself forward and get involved! If you’re interested but not sure where to start, feel free to approach a councillor – we’re always happy to have a chat and give some guidance.

Further information

Contact a councillor:

Join our mentoring program (ADAVB login required. Applications extended to 8 March):

Nominate for a committee role (ADAVB login required):

Nominate for the Health Sector Leadership Program:

Apply for the ADAVB BOQ Specialist $10,000 Practice Bursary or $5000 Recent Graduate CPD Bursary:

Find your ADAVB Regional Group:

Thursday, February 21, 2019

ADAVB and BOQ Specialist announce two CPD bursaries in 2019

The ADAVB and BOQ Specialist have announced two CPD bursaries in 2019 for ADAVB members:

  • ADAVB BOQ Specialist $10,000 CPD Practice Bursary
  • ADAVB BOQ Specialist $5000 Recent Graduate Bursary
ADAVB BOQ Specialist CPD Practice Bursary

The 2019 ADAVB and BOQ Specialist CPD Practice Bursary is available for ADAVB members in private practice. This practice bursary recognises and supports dental practices that are committed to quality learning through continuing professional development for every practitioner and professional staff member in the practice.

The bursary consists of a grant valued at $10,000 to be used for professional development and training purposes only, of which:

  • $2,000 is to be applied to any CPD courses and/or training programs offered by ADAVB and
  • $8,000 is to be applied to any CPD and/or training programs offered by other providers.

NEW! ADAVB BOQ Specialist Recent Graduate Bursary

Supporting the professional development of young dentists

The ADAVB BOQ Specialist Recent Graduate Bursary will support the career growth of a young dentist through financial support for continuing education courses. The bursary recognises a recent graduate who demonstrates a commitment to high quality ongoing professional development.

ADAVB members that registered in Australia for the first time between 2011-2019 are welcome to apply. The bursary consists of $5,000 to be spent on courses at ADAVB for professional development and must be spent between September 2019 and September 2021.

Applications for both bursaries close Monday 8 July 2019 5.00 pm and can be made online, via email or in hard copy. 
Eligibility criteria apply.
Find out more and apply:

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Tennis Day 2019 - etch your name in history on the coveted ADAVB tennis trophy!

Missing all the triumphs and clashes of the Australian Open now that it's over? Give yourself a serve of the action and channel your own inner champion at the ADAVB Tennis Day, only two weeks away! Have your name etched in history - could you be the one that takes home the famed ADAVB tennis trophy? 

Have your chance at glory at the ADAVB Tennis Day at the legendary Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club on Friday 22 February. Matches will be held from 1:00pm–4:00pm followed by a cocktail party from 4:30pm–7pm overlooking the spectacular views of the grass courts.

Entry fees:

ADAVB members $80

ADAVB students, recent graduates and first timers $40

Non-members $100

Proudly supported by BOQ Specialist and Oracle Dental Design

Register yourself and your colleagues today! All grades welcome.

Download the flier for further information or register online

Friday, February 01, 2019

Community health centre dentists set to take unprecedented 24-hour stop-work action

Public sector dentists working at 10 community health agencies across Victoria will walk off the job for a 24-hour stop-work on Monday 4 February as they continue their attempts to negotiate a new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) with their employers.

More than two thirds of dentists and dental specialists working across the public sector have now signed on to the new agreement, leaving these agencies in the minority. The current agreement
expired more than 18 months ago, and the dentists at these sites are frustrated with the lack of progress in the negotiations.

The strong advocacy efforts of the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch (ADAVB) and Professionals Australia have ensured that there was a funding guarantee from the Department of
Health and Human Services over the lifetime of the agreement to cover the cost of the new EBA.
Despite this funding guarantee, twelve community health agencies refuse to commit to the new

“ADAVB is concerned that a failure to reach an agreement at these agencies will impact on the
ability to recruit and retain experienced clinicians, leading in turn to ballooning waiting lists and poor
health outcomes for patients,” said ADAVB President Dr Kevin Morris.

“Some of the community health centres that are refusing to sign-on to the agreement have some of
the longest waiting times for general dental care in the state, including Merri Health with a 33
month wait, IPC Health with a 27.8 month wait and cohealth with a 23.3 month wait. The average
waiting time in Victoria is currently 20.7 months.”

Eligible dentists will be participating in the 24-hour stop-work on Monday 4 February. Colleagues, families and friends are encouraged to support our community health dentists by attending a public rally to be held on the same day on the steps of Parliament House from 12-1pm. General public and media representatives are also welcome to attend.

View media release

4 Feb 2019 update
Information correct at time of publishing. 
cohealth have now signed the agreement and will not be participating in the 24-hour strike action.