Friday, July 14, 2006

New Quit Campaign

Quit Victoria advises that a new quit smoking advertising campaign later in July will highlight the relationship between smoking and oral disease. It aims to increase awareness of these potentially devastating effects on the mouth and help address the lack of understanding about the health effects of smoking.

A brochure on smoking and oral health for people who smoke, and posters for display are available to support the campaign. To print an order form, click here.

Suzanne Stillman, Quit Victoria's Deputy Director said, "Although the risk of dying from mouth and throat cancer is significantly higher among smokers compared with someone who has never smoked, awareness about the relationship between smoking and oral disease remains alarmingly low".

"What is particularly tragic is that most of the deaths and often-devastating effects of cancers of the mouth and throat could have been prevented. Advanced cancers of the mouth and throat can cause chronic pain, loss of function and disfigurement. Breathing, talking, eating, chewing and swallowing can all be affected," she said.

Dentists and their staff can share the good news with smokers however, that they can reduce their risk of mouth and throat cancer by making the decision to quit and using strategies that will make their quitting more successful.

The advertisement, produced by The Campaign Palace/Red Cell, is part of a new national quit smoking campaign that has been developed in collaboration between state and territory smoking and health programs.

Click here for further information about smoking and mouth and throat cancer from Quit Victoria’s Background Brief ‘Smoking and the mouth’.