Thursday, August 03, 2006

Dental Health Week coverage

The ADA at both State and National levels has been achieving extensive coverage of this year's Dental Health Week themes, addressing oral health for young people.
Yesterday's Herald Sun carried two stories in different editions about oral piercings, the first was "Studs chipped for giving lip", and a later expanded version was called "The Wrecking Ball" (no link available). Both stories carried key messages about tooth and gum damage, quoting Branch President Dr Greg Morris. The "wrecking ball" quote appears again today in a sidebar to the Letters page in the Herald Sun.
ADAVB Vice President Dr Mark Bowman was interviewed by Red Symons on ABC Radio 774 yesterday regarding the same topic. He later did an interview with The Pulse, a radio station in Geelong.
The Geelong Advertiser today carries a story highlighting a warning from Dr Derek Lewis, Chairman of the ADA Inc Oral Health Education Committee on teenage consumption of bottled water, sports and soft drinks and other non-fluoridated drinks as a key contributing factor in increasing teenage decay rates in recent years.
Numerous other Dental Health Week stories are appearing in metropolitan dailies in all States, and in regional press and radio.