Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bushfire victim identification - dental records protocols

Many of the deceased bushfire victims are expected to be identified using dental means. However the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine has urged that dentists must not surrender dental records to the relatives or friends of victims. They must be collected by a Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team member, normally a member of Victoria Police.

Although the DVI team has had many offers of help from concerned members, at the moment there are sufficient trained forensic odontologists available to deal with the cases as they come in.

An article published in the ADAVB Newsletter last October gives extensive information about dental records and forensic identification, and what to do when contacted by the State Coroner's Office.

Dentists seeking further information should contact the Disaster Victim Identification team at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine - Phone: (03) 9684 4320, e-mail:

ADAVB's Member Assistance Program offers counselling support for members who may be affected by the bushfires. To make an appointment call 1300 366 789. For traumatic incidents or crisis counselling call 1800 451 138 (24 hours a day).