Monday, September 08, 2014

New bans to protect children from harm caused by tobacco smoke

Smoking will be banned at entrances to schools, hospitals and certain Government buildings following amendments to tobacco legislation.

Amendments to the Tobacco Act also mean that fines will quadruple for retailers caught with illicit tobacco and cigarettes.

Coming into force mid-next year, Health Minister David Davis said the laws will apply to more than 2200 primary and secondary schools and about 4200 kindergartens and childcare centres.

About 4000 lives are lost each year in Victoria as a result of smoking and it costs $2.4 billion in direct health costs and lost productivity every year. Thankfully, smoking rates continue to fall. Cancer Council Victoria figures show only 13.3% of Victorians are now regular smokers, compared with 21.2% in 1998.

The ADAVB is participating in a smoking cessation pilot project with QUIT and DHSV, funded by the Victorian Government, that will encourage dental practice personnel to refer patients to Quitline.  This project recognises that patients expect health professionals to advise them on the health effects of smoking and to help them to quit.  A similar project at The Alfred may be of interest.