Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Board adopts new policy re students with an incapacity

The Dental Practice Board of Victoria has issued its new policy on Registration of dental students with an incapacity (PO14), following a consultative process and review of submissions from various parties, including the ADAVB. This policy took effect from 8 August 2006.
In the context of this policy, the terms 'incapacity', 'impairment' and 'disability' are all considered to mean:
"a. total or partial loss of a bodily function;
b. the presence in the body of organisms that may cause disease (this includes bloodborne viruses);
c. total or partial loss of a part of the body;
d. malfunction of a part of the body, including mental or psychological disease or disorder and conditions that may impede learning;
e. malformation or disfigurement of a part of the body."
Welcome adjustments in the final policy include recognition that a student who has progressed through most of the course before an incapacity becomes evident, should be permitted to complete the course wherever possible, under an agreed set of terms and conditions designed to protect public health and safety.
This policy was clearly justified in the public interest, but sensitively handled by the Board with regard to the possible impact on the lives and livelihoods of students with an incapacity.