Monday, February 16, 2009

ADA Inc responds to Denticare Proposals

The Australian Dental Association's Federal President, Dr Neil Hewson has issued a media release responding to proposals from the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission regarding a new national dental scheme, and other measures intended to improve oral health services.
The ADA has rejected the Commission's proposed Denticare scheme, saying a universal dental scheme is not necessary, and would be ‘fiscally irresponsible’ and 'unlikely to deliver quality dental care’.
The ADA Media Release states "With current expenditure on dentistry being over $6 billion per annum, the funding of a universal scheme could be crippling and could exceed $11 billion. The ADA says target the funding where it is needed - to those who are not currently able to access dental care.”
Despite these concerns, the ADA has welcomed the report's coverage of dentistry and offers in principle support for its recommendations for:
• an intern year
• a uniform approach to government funding of dental treatment
• a universal approach to promote oral health
• integration of oral health promotion into general health.