Oral Health in Government's Wellbeing Plan

The Plan identifies six key areas:
• Healthier eating and active living;
• Tobacco free living;
• Reducing harmful alcohol and drug use;
• Improving mental health;
• Preventing violence and injury; and,
• Improving sexual health and reproductive health.
The Plan also identifies the importance of addressing climate change because of its impacts on health and wellbeing, including through heatwave, fire and long-term challenges to food security.
Looking at oral health, the report says:
“The costs and burden associated with poor oral health are well known. Oral disease is a key marker of disadvantage, with greater levels experienced by people on low income, dependent older people, Aboriginal people, people in rural areas, people with a disability, and immigrant groups from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (particularly refugees). Poor diet and consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks are important contributors to poor oral health. In addition to addressing the broader determinants of health, improving oral health requires access to fluoride (in water and toothpaste), good dental hygiene and regular access to preventive dental care”.
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