Oral health is important - COAG Health Council

At the Council's latest meeting, Federal,
State and Territory Health Ministers considered and endorsed the new National Oral
Health Plan 2015-2024, which provides strategic direction and a framework for
collaborative action over the next ten years.
Their communique stated: “Translation of
the plan into practice requires jurisdictions and sectors to work together,
with the Oral Health Monitoring Group reporting on progress of the National
Oral Health Plan every two years”
The Ministers also discussed proposed
Federal Government changes to eHealth legislation. The amendments aim to bring forward "the benefits of a connected national eHealth system", thereby improving "health outcomes for consumers through national
sharing of information and a more efficient health system".
The Council agreed that, in consultation
with all jurisdictions, new models for sufficient health and hospital funding
would be explored as part of the broader discussion about the reform of Federation.
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